Thursday, April 16, 2020
How To Prepare A Research Paper About Internet Marketing
How To Prepare A Research Paper About Internet MarketingYou may be doing a research paper about internet marketing, the bottom line is that you will need to prepare a variety of things. It will all depend on what you are researching and where you intend to research it.For instance, if you are researching the Internet, you will need to prepare a number of documents. It might be a bit easier for you to do a short list and then compile this list into an outline. You will have to get yourself a pen and paper, as well as the document you want to prepare, like an Internet marketing handbook. You will need to make sure that you are organized.As you are researching the Internet, you should consider the types of material that you can prepare. You should also consider the kind of internet marketers that you are going to be dealing with. For instance, if you are researching someone in South Korea, they might not be using a quality platform. However, if you are looking into internet marketers in South Korea, you will find that their platforms might differ.You can even use a research paper about internet marketing when you are already prepared and are just preparing for the final presentation. It is always a good idea to ensure that you are prepared in every aspect of your project. Your outline should take into account the entire preparation process.Just because you are preparing a paper, however, doesn't mean that you are finished. You still need to get yourself some reference materials that you can use while preparing the research paper. It is also important that you search for the best source for these reference materials.You will find that it is helpful to see how these documents will be used before you write a single word. For instance, you will be using the website's traffic stats, or the average time visitors take to access your site. You will also find the keywords that they use to gain traffic.This will be a big step. After you have everything ready, you can finall y begin writing. All of your references will be right at your fingertips. As you write, you will also have access to your organization's database.There are other ways that you can prepare a research paper about internet marketing. The point is that you will have a huge impact on the success of your document. If you are smart, you will also create a system that works for you.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
What Makes a Great College Essay?
What Makes a Great College Essay?As students, what makes a great college essay? What makes it stick out from the rest? What is the best way to create a great essay that will grab the attention of your college admissions officer?To begin, what makes a great college essay is a lot of different things. As I said above, you have to remember that every college student is different. You also have to know who your audience is and what you want to say to them. Here are some tips to help you get started.First, what makes a great college essay is not so much what the topic is, but what you say about it. College essays are really about the essay. The reader's time is valuable, and it's important that you make the most of it. You can use your own experiences or anecdotes from a loved one that has been through something similar to talk about the topic at hand. You can also take a broader look and talk about how your experience is similar to theirs.Second, what makes a great college essay is a wel l-written thesis statement. You want to make sure that you're presenting your ideas in a way that they're clear and easy to understand. If you don't believe in the facts you're presenting, or if you leave things vague, then this won't be as persuasive as it could be.Third, you want to think about how many essays you're going to need to write for college. When it comes to writing essays for college admissions, you will be asked to write one for each class. If you're up for it, you can also write the essays over several semesters. This is a good idea because you will have the experience and the resources to guide you.Fourth, you have to understand that when it comes to what makes a great college essay, the essay is only half of the story. You also need to find the right essay topics for the classes that you will be taking. You have to do some research and make sure that you think about the personality of the person that will be reading your essays.Finally, what makes a great college e ssay is having enough passion and energy to write the essay. You might not always know how to express yourself very clearly and concisely, but at least you can always stay on track. That is really the best thing about writing for college admissions - it is all about trying to stay on task. That might mean going back and rereading a section just to make sure that you understand it completely.What makes a great college essay doesn't come from a lot of specific factors. What is necessary is that you use your personal experiences and make a well-written thesis statement. Hopefully these tips will give you the opportunity to produce a great essay.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Health Promotion Essay Example
Health Promotion Paper Health Promotion: Giving up Smoking in Pregnancy Introduction The object of this assignment is to critically appraise a health promotion initiative related to midwifery practice. The initiative chosen is a NHS Health Scotland leaflet entitled Smoking: giving up during pregnancy: a guide for pregnant women who want to stop smoking (NHS Health Scotland 2003). It will be referred to as the initiative or the leaflet throughout this assignment. The World Health Organisation (WHO) identified that health promotion was a way of equipping people to have more power enabling them to make choices in regard to improving their well-being (WHO 1986). Ewles and Simnett (2003) determine from this, that the fundamental elements of health promotion are improving health and empowerment. The Scottish Office paper Towards a Healthier Scotland (1999) recommended making more health promotion available for pregnant smokers. This appraisal will systematically review the literature relating it to the health promotion initiative chosen using Ewles and Simnett (2003) Five Approaches to Health Promotion model. It will furthermore evaluate the midwifes role in promoting the issue highlighted and conclude with a summary and any proposals to improve future practice. Critical Appraisal The Scottish Office paper Towards a Healthier Scotland (Scottish Office 1999) recommends reducing the numbers of women smoking during pregnancy from 29% to 20% in the next 5 years. According to the Health Education Authority (1999) the rate for smoking in pregnancy in the UK was 30% however nearly 90% classified smoking as dangerous to their unborn child. Johnston et al (2003) point out that smoking is the main preventable cause of disease and disability in the fetus and newborn. We will write a custom essay sample on Health Promotion specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Health Promotion specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Health Promotion specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Around 13 000 individuals die from smoking in Scotland each year (NHS Health Scotland and ASH Scotland 2004a). This initiative is based on the normative needs concept as it is influenced by expert opinion and government policies (Ewles and Simnett 2003). Epidemiological evidence in its favour allows the initiative to be evaluated by reduction in the mortality and morbidity (Naidoo and Wills 2000). This is cost effective because the initial resources for implementing the smoking cessation will be significantly less than the cost of hospitalisation later in life (NHS Health Scotland and ASH Scotland 2003). The leaflet that will be critiqued (appendix 1) is aimed at pregnant women who currently smoke but who want to give up. It is split into five sections titled: pregnancy and smoking; stopping smoking; tips for stopping; stopping smoking is worth it and thinking about your smoking. The Ewles and Simnett (2003) model comprises of five approaches to health promotion; medical approach; behaviour change approach; educational approach; client-centred approach and societal change approach. The behaviour change approach is the main focus for this initiative, although it does utilise aspects of all approaches. The behaviour change approach as described by Ewles and Simnett (2003) is a way of encouraging changes in an individuals attitudes and beliefs to take up a healthier lifestyle. It is, however considered by some, to be more forceful depending on the degree of encouragement and persuasion utilised (Crafter 1997, Norton 1998). The behaviour change approach uses a number of models to guide health promoters to facilitate clients to achieve a positive outcome. The Stages of Change Model (Prochaska and DiClemente 1984 as cited by Ewles and Simnett 2003) is a five stage cyclical model that has been found to be particularly useful in work with addictive behaviours (Naidoo and Wills 2000). This cycle incorporates a pre-contemplation stage where the individual is unaware of any need for change or has no interest in changing (Ewles and Simnett 2003). At this stage the midwife would assess whether the woman is genuinely not interested in stopping smoking at present and respect this decision but inform her she will be asked throughout her pregnancy about her smoking status (Crafter 1997, Dunkley 2000). The leaflet may still be issued as having the information readily at hand may prompt the individual to think about stopping smoking. The advantages of leaflets mean they allow individuals to read through them at their own pace (Ewles and Simnett 2003). The second stage is the contemplation stage where the individual is motivated to consider changing their behaviour, maybe she reads the leaflet and attempts to seek information (Naidoo and Wills 2000). The role of the midwife at this stage would be to determine why the woman smokes and what barriers she may face in stopping smoking (Dunkley 2000). The leaflet facilitates this by allowing the woman to question why she smokes and how she feels about it. It also seeks to establish what the woman feels is good and bad about smoking and how she anticipates changing her behaviour towards smoking. It has been suggested (McLeod et al 2003) that some midwives find it difficult to broach the subject of smoking particularly with women who have no desire to stop and those who are still considering stopping. However McLeod et al (2003) found from their qualitative study that women expected to be asked about smoking during routine antenatal care and indeed they felt it was part of the midwives role to ask. The preparation stage is where the woman is committed to giving up smoking. She may seek extra help and is likely to attempt change soon (Dunkley 2000). If the woman is in this planning stage she may benefit from smoking cessation services, which the midwife can offer such as Smokeline, or other local services. Within the leaflet is a free phone number for Smokeline (HEBS 2003) who offer advice and issue the booklet Aspire to Stop Smoking (HEBS and Action on Smoking and Health Scotland 2001). This supporting information helps the woman to discover what she can do to help herself to stop smoking. NHS Health Scotland and ASH Scotland (2004b) challenge the reliability of answers to questions Midwives and other health promoters may be asking individuals with regard to their interest in stopping smoking as that individual may feel that agreeing is what is expected. Hesitancy in answering may be indicative of reluctance to commit to stopping at present, so ensuring they understand that there are many options available in the future can enhance the chance of them stopping (NHS Health Scotland and ASH Scotland 2004b). The midwife would continue to support the individual during this time offering advice and encouragement (Crafter 1997) and also would remind the patient of the importance of social support from partners and friends (NHS Health Scotland and ASH Scotland 2004b). The findings from a study by McLeod et al (2003) concur with the need to have partner involvement. They found that although the women were supported by the midwives there was a failing in educating the partners to the womens needs while trying to stop smoking (McLeod et al 2003). Moreover Thompson et al (2004) would like to see this expanded out with the antenatal setting. This issue has been addressed in part by the initiative, which encourages the woman to seek partner involvement to support her at this time (HEBS 2003). The penultimate stage is the making the change stage this is when the woman is taking action (Naidoo and Wills 2000). NHS Lothian (2002) supports making a date to stop and sticking to it. One of the options is nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), which has caused debates over its place in smoking cessation during pregnancy (Dunkley 2000, McNeill et al 2001). McNeill et al (2001) found that using NRT, although not recommended in pregnancy, could be beneficial, as all the pollutants from actual cigarettes would not be delivered to the mother or the fetus. The final stage is the maintenance stage. It is vital that the midwife maintains good support through the postnatal period as Pollock (2003) found that 60% of women who give up during pregnancy restart smoking within 1 month of birth. Encouragement from the midwife to eat a sensible a diet (Crafter 1997) and use diversionary tactics like regular brushing of teeth and saving cigarette money up for treats (NHS Lothian) helps the woman to stay stopped. The leaflet in its favour mentions how other smokers managed to stop and what they have done to help themselves. In this final stage there is room for relapse or slipping. The leaflet lets individuals know it is ok to relapse but encourages them to learn from this. It also mentions some of the side effects that women may experience from nicotine withdrawal. The medical approach to health promotion aims to ensure individuals are disease and disability free (Ewles and Simnett 2003). This approach could be viewed as paternalistic, where professionals decide what is best for an individual (Crafter 1997) and as pregnancy is not a state of ill health (Dunkley 2000) it brings into question its validity in midwifery care. However women could jeopardise the health of themselves and their unborn child if they are involved in risk taking behaviour such as smoking during pregnancy. The initiative mentions some of the health risks involved such as miscarriage and low birth weight babies (HEBS 2003) but favourably does not go into detail to avoid victim-blaming. Within the medical approach such initiatives as General Practitioners or other health professionals advocating smoking cessation during consultations is found to be more useful than no mention at all (HEBS 1998) resulting in approximately 2% of smokers stopping long term. Recommendation 1. 2 of the Smoking Cessation Guidelines for Scotland (NHS Health Scotland and ASH Scotland 2004a) states that a midwife should ascertain a patients smoking status and discourage them from smoking at the earliest opportunity. The midwife should also offer support and treatment to aid cessation (NHS Health Scotland and ASH Scotland 2004a). Crafter (1997) identifies the need for midwives to give unbiased information, however justifies the obligation to educate women about damaging behaviour such as smoking during pregnancy. Facts specific to smoking in pregnancy are not included in the leaflet such as smoking in the first 3 months of pregnancy accounts for a quarter of low birth weight babies (Scottish Executive 2001). An educational approach to health promotion is giving individuals information to discover the health benefits or detriments for themselves (Ewles and Simnett 2003). Crafter (1997) argues that there can be no true educational approach when it comes to smoking in pregnancy because midwives would be unable to remain neutral due to the fact that evidence is available that clearly shows smoking is detrimental. Naidoo and Wills (2000) explain that the educational approach differs from the behaviour change model, as the educational model does not use encouragement to achieve its aims. NHS Health Scotland and ASH Scotland (2004b) concur with this view advocating that it is not the role of the midwife to persuade but to inform. They go on to defend the use of facts in conjunction with the leaflet. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (2003) also emphasise the need for women to be informed of the risks, which can make a purely educational approach unattainable in relation to smoking cessation. The information could be available to patient who enquire about if for them to discover the advantages and disadvantages for themselves with the midwife advising them of where to find resources. In a study by Pullon et al (2003) it showed how suitable resources helped educate women to stop smoking. Critically however it appeared that the midwives concerned were involved in a more behavioural change role as then conclusion commented on the midwives powerful influence (Pullon et al 2003). The client-centred approach facilitates health promotion of things that the client feels will be of benefit (Ewles and Simnett 2003), this could mean that an individual may not consider that smoking cessation is an issue they want to address and as such the topic may never be discussed. This model is said to facilitate autonomy (Dunkley 2000) but as such the leaflet may never be looked. If however the client felt that smoking cessation was something she was interested in, the midwife would be able to offer any help that was available to her to empower the woman to achieve her objective (Crafter 1997). The societal change approach focuses on changing the whole society not just individuals within it (Ewles and Simnett 2003). Implementation of changes at community level or above looks to bring about changes to the attitudes and beliefs about smoking during pregnancy to the population. This would include laws such as that to be introduced in spring 2006 banning anybody smoking in enclosed public spaces in Scotland (Scottish Executive 2004). The majority of pregnant smokers are age 16-24 and low socio-economic groups highlighting the important fact that deprivation and inequality increase the incidences of smoking and of teen pregnancy (Lazenbatt et al 2000, NHS Health Scotland and ASH Scotland 2003). Conclusion Midwives play an important role in promoting the health and wellbeing of individuals and their families and delivery of health education (Scottish Executive 2001). The initiative appeared to have some weaknesses as a stand-alone leaflet, however as part of a multi-dimensional approach it emerged favourably. The midwife must endeavour to gain trust and support to deliver the required service and promote empowerment (Dunkley 2000). She must take care not to alienate the women that require her help. There must be a trusting relationship built up between the midwife and the woman to achieve a positive outcome. Approximately 20% of smoking mums give up during pregnancy and of them over 50% who gave up attributed it to being pregnant (HEA 1999) this indicates further that women want to stop and indeed manage successfully to stop smoking.
Writing Research Papers - 14th Edition eBook
Writing Research Papers - 14th Edition eBookWriting research papers is the critical element in academic life. You need to include your research findings in your paper. This guide covers all the basics and aspects of research and writing for the course you are writing your paper for.The critical period for students who intend to pursue higher studies has many demands. This includes every aspect of life including social as well as economic development. There is so much more than classroom learning that the student will encounter. Hence it is essential that students get an advantage in this critical period.In order to earn a degree or diploma from a study course, you will need to undergo a few tests. This will determine the level of your performance. Therefore it is necessary to write well, study efficiently and perform well in your tests.Students will also have to find the necessary papers for their papers in different colleges. This is because universities and colleges assign papers t o students based on their grades. They also offer free advice for any kind of problem, the student might come across while writing their paper. This will help you get the best out of your paper.A significant paper will require extra attention in order to analyze your findings and make it useful. So you should spend some time to conduct a thorough research before you start writing the paper. Doing a thorough search online will provide you with relevant and related material.One of the best ways to generate good quality research papers is to post your research findings in one of the best journals online. One such journal is Academic Journals. It allows the author to submit his/her work in order to gain full access to the article and can also publish it in their respective journals.The impact factor is also an important part of your paper. It provides information about how many people have already found your findings useful. If it has at least a five-star rating then you are well on you r way to writing a quality paper.Writing research papers is not as hard as it might seem to be. So take advantage of these easy to follow steps and get yourself well on your way to writing a highly effective research paper. This book covers all these topics and provides you with an abundance of information.
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