
Monday, February 18, 2019

Flight/Your Shoes: A comparitive essay -- English Literature

Flight/Your property A comparitive essayIn this essay I will be comparing Flight by Doris Lessing and Your billet by Michle Roberts. The content and style for both stories argonsimilar in some ways and different in other ways. For example, themain problem in both stories is the daughter sledding post for thefirst time. A nonher example of a difference is Flight is write inthird-person whereas Your Shoes is written as an interior monologue.The difficulties about the daughters leaving are in Flight, thegrandfather is reluctant to let his granddaughter go off and marry.This is because she is his favourite granddaughter and his last. Heconfronted her, his eyes narrowed, shoulders hunched, tight in a hardknot of pain which included the preening birds, the sunlight, theflowers. He said work out youre old enough to go courting, hey? Healso does not like Steven, the postmasters son, and is maybe jealousof him and how he can evolve over his granddaughter better than he canhimself. Wait ing for Steven, hey? he said, his fingers change surface likeclaws into his palm. Any objection? she asked him lightly, refusingto look at him.In Your Shoes the bring has a bigger problem because her daughterhas already left field and she does not know where she is. To justify thisshe goes mad and pretends that she is talking to her daughter through with(predicate)a pair of white trainers, the most expensive and perfect item that themother bought her daughter before she left. Ive tied the shoeslaces in concert so they wont get separated or lost. ashen laces, thatI washed and ironed. These shoes represent what the mother would likeher daughter to be, perfect. I locked the wardrobe door on thoserebellious shoes.... ...d to Flight, theJustin Liu Maine A English AXSFlight/Your Shoes (cont)mothers condition clear gets worse and lapses into madness at theend. Laces like strings of white liquorice. They discernment sweet. Again there is the symbolism of the shoes and again it repre sents the waythe mother would like her daughter to be.I prefer Flight to Your Shoes because the fabrication is much clearerand you get to see everyones point of view whereas in Your Shoesthe storyline is not so clear and harder to understand because neverthelessone person is speaking. However, Flight has less detail than YourShoes because there are many more people to focus on. For example, inYour Shoes you know who is still alive and who is not whereas inFlight it is not as clear. However, I enjoyed both stories andthought that they had more similarities than differences.

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