
Thursday, February 21, 2019

How My country save water Essay

I live in Saudi Arabia, people here consume weewee more than a individual needs triple magazines on world level. Though that my boorish geographically considered one of driest regions in the world we have two primary(prenominal) sources of water Aquifers.Sea water (desalination).People waste water sometimes without even notice that mend they making ablution, washing a car, cooking, lavishetc. When Government detect how people consumes water they took Preventive methods to carry through water, such as Awargonness campaigns through the media and educational pamph permits. Free water appliances (taps, shower heads, toilet boxes) were distributed, reportedly resulting in a decrease of residential water use of between 25-35%. Water reuse were way that Saudi handled this issue.Saudi recyclers 40 percent of the water apply for home(prenominal) purposes in urban areas. To this end, recycling plants have been built in capital of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah and some other major urban indu strial centers. For example, recycled water is used for irrigation of farm handle and urban parks, ablution water in mosques is being reused for the flushing of toilets. Dams are used to sire surface water after frequent flash floods. This water is used primarily for agriculture and is distributed through thousands of miles of irrigation canals and ditches to vast tracts of fertile land that were antecedently fallow. For me as member of my community I can contribute to keep up water Use the water appliances that political sympathies distribute.Educate my community or so me stringing with myself and family. Recycle the water that I use if I were able to. For example, while cleaning vegetables or fruit I can use the endure of that water in irrigate plants. Beware of water amount that I use.On the other hand my second example that I detect here is public roads and how the traffic can be move usually in Riyadh. Since Riyadh start urban development, we have noticed how crowded the traffic can be.The road that you used to take to go from your home to your job takes 20 minutes now itcould take arcminute or more. I think Saudi still in the subroutine of getting a solution. Government and people starts to find out what are the causes and solutions of this bad traffic which are Most of the student and employees go as the same time 600 AM. So, as solution we may let them go on different timing. The huge commit trucks move freely at any time. So, as a solution determining time for these trucks at certain time a day Absence of nonindulgent rules to those who disobey the system while driving. Also, as solution traffic constabulary should apply the rules with more strict on those who break the law. And more solutions that government or people can doHave different transport way than cars. Thats why Saudi now is heading to human body Riyadh metro expected to start running on 2018. nearly youth like Muhammad Al-Farris, who create an app called (Zahma O La) on play and apple store. Google maps can show traffic line.My ResourcesWikipedia,Riyadh Newspaper, Dr.AbdulRahman M. Saleh article Crowded at Riyadh City.

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