
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Chivalry :: essays research papers

When Chivalry first began, many citizens tangle this was mostly for the courtship of women. However, this also included such things as near etiquette at the dinner table, generosity toward females, and the aspect of religion to the church. Becoming a knight was not an easy task at all. The whole sue was more of an apprenticeship program like in todays society. First, at about the age of seven, you were to go to the house of a noble and be their fashion plate. Throughout this period, the young man would gain wisdom as considerably as skills he would need to develop in battle to father a successful knight. The boy would continue being a squire until he had mastered the use of weaponry and horsemanship and was then recognized by a knight. Then the young man would be "dubbed" a knight. afterwards in the Thirteenth Century, the process of becoming a knight became more ceremonialized, as we know of in our society from movies and such. The same process use in Medieval time s was adopted and "modernized" for todays workplace. For instance, the new employee is hired, then he learns his/her job. Once he/she is recognized for good work he/she is promoted to a higher level job. Another foreboding the knights had to perform was to protect and uphold justice. This meant protecting the poor and innocent good deal of the land while proclaiming the ideals of Christianity at the same time. This concept originated in France and Spain, and circulate throughout Europe very rapidly. The chief chivalric virtues were piety, honor, valor, courtesy, chastity, and loyalty. The knight was to be loyal to god, who was the main love of his life. Their idea of love in this national was different then ours. Their love to God was strictly platonic.

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