
Friday, March 15, 2019

National Constituent Assembly Essay -- essays research papers

To what extent did the reforms of the parcel throng create discontentedness?The topic Constituent manufacturing solve few of Frances short terminal problems, but caused significant discontent delinquent to its inability to resolve long term problems, that had been destroying France economically, politically and socially. There were some groups of society that were quite content with the reforms of the Constituent Assembly, such as a majority of the bourgeoisie, peasants who gained from the abolition of the Feudal system, and some sections of the first and second Estate. However, numerous other people and groups, such as King Louis XVI, Nobles who had become emigres afterward losing their land, clergy who had refused to swear allegiance to the saucily state, loyal Catholics, the Sans Culottes and a promptly outgrowth republican movement, that were unhappy with the Constituent Assembly. It was in these later groups that the brewing discontent lay, but none dual-lane a common discontent, and few shared a common goal. It would be the most radical of these reactionary groups, who seized leadership of the French people, in the domains time of need. The subject area Constituent Assembly originated from the National Assembly, and its purpose was to write a constitution that would create a new France, one that was based on tinctity, liberty and fraternity - a nation governed by the people, and for the people - where men are born and remain equal in rights. It was essentially dominated by members of the Bourgeoisie, as well as some Nobles and Clergymen, but it did not effectively represent the whole of France. The National Constituent Assembly set up a militia casing force, called the National Guard, to protect themselves and their ideas, from those who were counter-revolutionary. It was led by Marquis De LaFayatte, a member of the second Estate, who was also an influential voice in the Constituent Assembly. The Assembly did not want to create a Re public, it wanted to create a Constitutional Monarchy. It still wanted the King as Head of State, but wanted the peoples rights and values outlined in a constitution, rather than fixed by the King. In 1789 the Constituent Assembly began developing a Constitution, because it was what the French people wanted - but their moods quickly changed and the proposed constitution became a calamity. some reforms made by the National Constituent Assembly we... ...ring the situation. The Assignats that the State had introduced were rapidly deflating, and some store owners would not even accept them. Despite reforms that steady Frances economy periodically, the Constituent Assembly had not solved the long term economic problems that still surrounded the nation. Most of these peasants were also loyal Catholics, and resented the red ink of power of the Church, and were hungry for political change. By October 1791, the National Constituent Assembly believed that it had fulfilled its goal of cre ating a new Constitution, and dissolved itself. It set up a new Government called the Legislative Assembly, to enforce the new Constitution, which moreover lasted a further six months. Hence, the National Constituent Assembly had effected important reforms but it had failed to solve the economic crisis that began the original revolt of the French people. The varying discontent it had created amongst different groups of society, far overshadowed those who were satisfied with the changes. Much discontent, amongst umpteen people, is dangerous when there is no common destination. So many demands, with so few answers, meant the revolution had to continue.

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